Orientalist Lorvicia Vaglieri and her vision in the Holy Quran

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Hoda Nasr


This research aims to clarify the vision of the Italian Orientalist Laura Vischia in her defense of the Quran as a spring of pure water in reuniting Feuding groups. Vaguileri emphasized thet the greatest miracle of Islam is the Quran which transmits to us the established and uninterrupted narrative through reports characterized by absolute certainty. It is a book that cannot be imitated. Each of its expressions is comprehensive and yet it is of an appropriate size, not too long and not too short. Laura Visechia confirms that the simplicity of the faith and the depth of Islam rituals are among the elements that helped in the rapid spread of Islam, its strength and its acceptants, as Islam directs a double invitation to man, calling him to believe that there is no God but God and the Muhammmad is the Messenger of God In the context of her taIk about the meaning of Islamic rituals. Vaguileri pointed out that it is necessary to carefully stuedy the pillals, of Islam to discover the secret that makes it possible for these rituals to purify the believer,s soul and help him gradually ascend towrd god 

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