Personal and Professional Characteristics of University Professor

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Sabrath - Libya


The research aims to identify the personal and professional characteristics of university professors. A questionnaire was prepared consisting of two areas, a field for personal characteristics and a field for professional characteristics, and each field consisted of (15) items. After ensuring the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, it was applied to a sample of students from the Faculty of Arts at Sabratha University, amounting to (130) male and female students, and the results of the research concluded that the most important personal characteristics that must be present in a university professor are: to be characterized by good morals such as honesty and honesty, to respect order, verbal fluency and the ability to express, to take pride in the teaching profession and his mission as a teacher, and to bear responsibility The decisions he makes, style and personal hygiene.                       

The most important professional characteristics are: giving students equal opportunities for dialogue and discussion, attracting students’ attention during the lecture in multiple ways, taking into account individual differences among students in the teaching process, being proficient in the scientific material he studies, and using lecture time efficiently.                 

The results also showed that there are differences between university students according to the gender variable (males - females) in the personal and professional characteristics that a university professor must have, and the difference is in favor of the female sample.                                                     - While the results showed that there are no differences between university students according to the variable of the academic year (second - fourth) in the personal and professional characteristics that a university professor must have                                                                                                                    

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