مستشفى البلدية بطرابلس الغرب فى العهد العثمانى الثانى 1835-1911 من خلال بعض الوثائق


  • أمال إمحمد الطالب جامعة صبراتة


طرابلس، مستشفى البلدية، النشأة ، البنية، الأطباء، الخدمات الصحية


During the second half of the nineteenth century, the city of Tripoli witnessed the beginning of some reforms and the establishment of some public facilities such as schools, hospitals, courts, hotels, markets, etc. The municipality in this city contributed to perform many tasks in providing public services. In the field of health services and treatment, the role of the municipality emerged through establishing some health facilities in the period between 1871-1896. In this study I will focus on one of the health institutions, Albalidiya Hospital, which was established by the municipality in 1896, exploring the reasons for its establishment, the structure of the hospital, and the medical services that the hospital provided by the end of the Ottoman era. Additionally, it will investigate   the doctors who worked in the hospital in terms of their numbers, salaries, and conditions of patients in this hospital. This research relied on document and newspaper available in the Libyan Center for Archives and Historical Studies.

Author Biography

أمال إمحمد الطالب, جامعة صبراتة

آمال إمحمد جمعة  الطالب / المرتبة العلمية / استاذ مساعد 

قسم التاريخ – كلية الآداب والتربية– جامعة صبراتة

صبراتة- ليبيا

مجلة كلية الاداب / المجلد الثالث والعشرون / العدد الثالث والاربعون



How to Cite

الطالب أ. إ. (2023). مستشفى البلدية بطرابلس الغرب فى العهد العثمانى الثانى 1835-1911 من خلال بعض الوثائق. University of Zawia -Faculty of Arts Journal, 23(3), 151–172. Retrieved from http://journals.zu.edu.ly/index.php/UZFAJ/article/view/376



العلوم الانسانية