نشأة الموانئ البحرية الليبية وتطورها عبر العصور
الميناء، الرصيف، السفن، المرافئ،النشاط التجاريAbstract
This research deals with the eemergence of the Libyan Navy and its development through the ages , as ne of topics of transportation geography , because of its influence on the emergence and growth of costal cities in the study area in ancient times , the most important citites arose in places that had natural harbors suitable for navigation , and these cities grew and flourished as commercial traffic increased . With their ports, some of them decayed and became ruins , such as the cities of TOLMITHA and TOCRA , with the collapse of their characteristics . and the extent of their effectiveness,it also aims to try to show the features of these ports ,their characteristics. And the extent of their effectiveness as corridors for the surrounding urban areas and their services for maritime navigation and international trade .