علم الوقف والابتداء وأحكامه في القرآن الكريم "دراسة تطبيقية"


  • محمد رجب سويسي جامعة الزاوية


الوقف ، الابتداء ، القران


For the sake of the sciences, those sciences related to the miraculous Book of God in all its surahs, verses, vocabulary, letters, and infinite combinations. One of the most important sciences of the Qur’an is the science of stopping and starting and its observance by the readers and those who recite it and honor it. Many people do not take into account when reading the principles and rules of stopping and starting, which results from that. Falling into mistakes, some of which are considered uglier than others, such as stopping. One of the most important results that the researcher has reached in the science of stopping and starting is that it is one of the most important sciences of the Qur’an. Without knowing it and its rulings, the reader is exposed to various errors, some of which are uglier than others. Just as stopping and starting have an effect. It is great in understanding meanings, demonstrating the virtues of intonation and recitation, and explaining its miracles. However, stopping is easier than starting; Because stopping may be necessary for some reason, such as stopping one’s breath, but starting is optional, just as there is no forbidden stopping in the Qur’an or an obligatory stopping, but if the reader deliberately stops in places that are ugly and inappropriate, and have an ugly meaning and that violate the rules of reading and their interpretation in all aspects, then It is forbidden to stop and start

Author Biography

محمد رجب سويسي, جامعة الزاوية

محمد رجب سويسي       / المرتبة العلمية / استاذ مساعد           

قسم الدراسات الإسلامية – كلية الآداب– جامعة الزاوية

الزاوية  - ليبيا

مجلة كلية الاداب / المجلد الثالث والعشرون / العدد الثالث والاربعون



How to Cite

سويسي م. ر. (2023). علم الوقف والابتداء وأحكامه في القرآن الكريم "دراسة تطبيقية". University of Zawia -Faculty of Arts Journal, 23(3), 75–92. Retrieved from https://journals.zu.edu.ly/index.php/UZFAJ/article/view/378



العلوم الانسانية