فلسفة اللغة عند سارتر


  • عائشة أحمد المشري جامعة الزاوية


الفلسفة ، اللغة ، سارتر


Sartre rejected the interpretation of the history of philosophy, which is full of errors and pitfalls, according to structuralist philosophers, that its corrective beginning begins with the means of reviewing and correcting the meaning of the erroneous linguistic connotation due to the insufficiency of the meaning of the burden of unspoken disclosure. Sartre called for every philosophy to be dominated by the philosophy of language through the organic relationship with it emerging from its bowels. It is born from the womb of the history of the mother philosophy, in which the philosophy of language does not lead the other philosophies or be a substitute for them, saying what it means - a special linguistic philosophy can be deduced from the philosophy of existentialism, for example, and so on with the rest of the other philosophies, meaning that the philosophy of language can be taken over from every philosophy of its own without replacing it.

Author Biography

عائشة أحمد المشري, جامعة الزاوية

عائشة أحمد عبد السلام المشري / المرتبة العلمية / استاذ مساعد 

قسم الفلسفة – كلية التربية بزوارة - جامعة الزاوية

الزاوية - ليبيا

مجلة كلية الاداب / المجلد الثالث والعشرون / العدد الثاني والاربعون



How to Cite

المشري ع. أ. (2023). فلسفة اللغة عند سارتر. University of Zawia -Faculty of Arts Journal, 23(2), 59–81. Retrieved from https://journals.zu.edu.ly/index.php/UZFAJ/article/view/408



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