A Critical Discourse Analysis Study of Woman Image in Nizar Al-Kabbani's Poetry


  • Zeena Al-Asi جامعة الزاوية


criticism, discourse, women, Nizar Qabbani


Discourse means to highlight the hidden motives that are wrapped in words and flowery language just to intensify and enhance the effect of the words. In the same way poets write poetry in order to have some motive behind it. The purpose of this paper is to spotlight the hidden meaning of the poem "Balqees" in front of the readers to make it expressible. We all speak something having a motive behind our talk. Discourse is research methodology to find out the truths or purposes behind the spoken or written words. I have chosen this poem because it expresses the cruel reality of life and this world. This paper analyzes the language of the poem “Balqees”.The study is grounded in critical discourse analysis that 'text within contexts'. The poem is open to diverse interpretations.

Author Biography

Zeena Al-Asi, جامعة الزاوية

زينة العاصي / المرتبة العلمية / محاضر 

كلية التربية زوارة – جامعة الزاوية

الزاوية - ليبيا



How to Cite

العاصي ز. (2023). A Critical Discourse Analysis Study of Woman Image in Nizar Al-Kabbani’s Poetry. University of Zawia -Faculty of Arts Journal, 23(2), 1–11. Retrieved from https://journals.zu.edu.ly/index.php/UZFAJ/article/view/416



العلوم الانسانية