The geographical location of the Libyan State and its Impact on Its Relations with Euro-Mediterranean Countries


  • Basher Aboflega University of Al-Jafara


geographical location, the Libyan state, Euro-Mediterranean countries.


Libya is a country located on the Mediterranean Sea, and occupies the largest and longest Arab-African front on this sea. A country with this location requires it to have a Mediterranean policy. This is evident from the Libyan orientation towards the countries of southern Europe. What increases the importance of Libya’s geographical location is the presence of an overlap in the interests of the powers of major global power in the aforementioned circles, which may affect the relations of the state within these circles. As for the state’s location in relation to the seas and oceans, it helps to determine the nature of its interests and the type of relations it has with other countries. Hence the importance of the location of the Libyan state

Author Biography

Basher Aboflega, University of Al-Jafara

Basher Aboflega

Department of Geography - University of Al-Jafara

Al-Jafara - Libya

مجلة كلية الاداب / المجلد الرابع والعشرون / العدد الاول



How to Cite

بوفليجة ب. (2024). The geographical location of the Libyan State and its Impact on Its Relations with Euro-Mediterranean Countries. University of Zawia -Faculty of Arts Journal, 24(1), 103–116. Retrieved from



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