The Phenomenon of Deletion and Its Effect on the Coherence of the Poetic Text Through the Collection (Drawing from Memory) by the Poet Hassan Al-Soussi


  • Halima Bin Saud University of Zawia


deletion, poetic text, drawing, memory, Hassan Al-Susi


The sentence was the goal and interest of researchers, and they addressed it from many aspects, then it was proven to them that it was shortcoming and unable to explain many linguistic phenomena, so they turned to interest in analyzing texts, and combining verbal and structural considerations on the one hand, and semantic and situational considerations on the other hand in estimating forms of expression, and therefore researchers were interested in the means that work to cast and weave the text, on which their analysis of it depends, by taking into account the interaction and interconnection between the body of the text and its parts on the one hand, and between its different connotations on the other hand, as well as taking into account the interaction between the creator and the recipient by taking into account the situation, and casting (cohesion) is one of the most important criteria on which "linguistic" science depends; because it goes beyond the limits of linking between the parts of a single sentence to the means that achieve cohesion between a group of sentences, and this is only achieved through the means of casting (cohesion) phonetic, lexical and grammatical..

Author Biography

Halima Bin Saud, University of Zawia

Halima Bin Saud

Faculty of Education- University of Zawia

Zawia - Libya

مجلة كلية الاداب / المجلد الرابع والعشرون / العدد الاول



How to Cite

بن سعود ح. (2024). The Phenomenon of Deletion and Its Effect on the Coherence of the Poetic Text Through the Collection (Drawing from Memory) by the Poet Hassan Al-Soussi. University of Zawia -Faculty of Arts Journal, 24(1), 117–136. Retrieved from



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