sity Students in Using Effective Strategies to Monitor Spelling


  • Hanan Al Kilani University of Zawia


Libyan university students’ ability, English language, effective strategies, spelling control.


This study aimed to pinpoint the most appropriate and effective methods and strategies that university teachers adopt to raise their students’ awareness of spelling rules, which in turn reduces the chances of committing spelling mistakes in their written work. To accomplish the objective and fulfill the purpose of the study, students’ writing compositions were examined and analyzed. The quantitative data was collected by distributing sixty writing exam papers to 4th-year students. These exam papers were chosen randomly. The content analysis method was used to analyze the collected data. The findings obtained from data showed that ‘omission’, ‘substitution’, ‘addition’, and ‘disordering’ were the most common error types committed by university students. It also provides several useful insights and effective techniques that can be adapted by English language teachers to improve their students’ writing skills

Author Biography

Hanan Al Kilani, University of Zawia

Hanan Al Kilani

Department of English - Faculty of Arts - University of Zawia

Zawia – Libya

مجلة كلية الاداب / المجلد الرابع والعشرون / العدد الاول




How to Cite

Al Kilani, H. (2024). sity Students in Using Effective Strategies to Monitor Spelling. University of Zawia -Faculty of Arts Journal, 24(1), 299–310. Retrieved from



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