Existence of Local Solution for an Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis System with Nonlinear Diffusion and Logistic Source

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Mofeda A Neser
Aesha A Lagha


In this paper, we are concerned with a model arising from biology, which is a coupled system of the chemotaxis equations and the viscous compressible fluid equations through transport and external forcing. The local existence of solutions to the Cauchy problem is investigated under certain conditions. Precisely, for the an attraction-repulsion chemotaxis model system over three space dimensions, we obtain local existence and uniqueness of convergence on classical solutions near constant states. we prove local existence of unique solutions in three dimensions by using energy estimate


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How to Cite
Neser, M. A., & Lagha, A. A. (2024). Existence of Local Solution for an Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis System with Nonlinear Diffusion and Logistic Source. University of Zawia Journal of Natural Sciences, 1(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.26629/uzjns.2024.05


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