عن المجلة:
The Journal of the University of Zawia for Educational and Psychological Sciences (UZEPS) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published semi-annually by the University of Zawia in Arabic and English. It aims to publish specialized scientific research in the fields of education and its foundations, psychology and its branches, educational administration and its patterns, psychological and educational counseling and their related guidance and therapeutic fields, psychological and educational measurement and their tests, curricula, teaching methods, various educational technologies, early childhood education, comparative education, evaluation, and assessment

رؤية المجلة:
أن تكون رائدة في مجال النشر العلمي.

رسالة المجلة:
نشر البحوث العلمية وفق المعايير العلمية العالمية وتوظيفها لخدمة الإنسانية.

هيأة تحرير مجلة جامعة الزاوية للعلوم التربوية والنفسية