تطور نظام الحجابة في الأندلس خلال العصر الأموي (138هــ /756م ـ 422هــ /1031م)

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سهام سليمان الميساوي


The study of the Arab-Islamic systems is considered one of the most important and difficult historical studies because some of its aspects are still mysterious and all its aspects and angles have not been studied. Moreover, these systems did not arise at once, but rather arose during many historical eras. It is sometimes difficult for the researcher to determine the origins of some of them. The Hijabah system is one of the Arab-Islamic systems. Historians differed about its beginnings, but what they confirmed was the existence of the “ear system,” whose beginnings go back to the era of the Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) and is considered the basis for the emergence of the hijab system, which had its own systems and traditions in the Umayyad era. After Prince Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil came to power in Andalusia and established the Umayyad state there, he laid the basic foundations of the political and administrative system, when he created several political positions, including the chamberlain, for whom he set conditions and fees for his subordinates. The chamberlain in this era attained a high position and great authority that exceeded the status and authority of the minister.

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education and sychological science