الاضطرابات الانفعالية لدى الأحداث الجانحين من المنظورين النفسي والقانوني وآثارها على المجتمع

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حنان محمد أبوالقاسم الطويل


The research aimed to identify the concept and nature of emotional through disorders among juvenile delinquents psychological and legal perspectives. It also aimed to identify the impact of juvenile delinquency on society. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method, which relies on describing and analyzing psychological, social, and economic phenomena and problems ..etc.

Emotional disorders among juvenile offenders were described and analyzed from psychological and legal perspectives, and their effects on society were identified.

The researcher concluded that emotional disturbances among juveniles contributed greatly to their delinquency. Therefore, psychological and legal controls were put in place to deter deviant behaviors among juvenile delinquents in order to protect them from themselves and make them positive individuals towards their society who comply with legal controls and provisions.

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education and sychological science