منهج أبي مزيريق في آيات الأحكام "أحكام الأسرة أنموذجا""

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فتحية مسعود محمد الطابوني


Praise be to God, we praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His guidance, we seek His forgiveness, we repent to Him, and we bear witness that there is no god but God, and we bear witness that our Master Muhammad is His servant and Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and upon all his family and companions.

The subject of this research is related to a contemporary interpretation, which is the interpretation of (Irshad Al-Hiran to the Directions of the Qur’an) by Sheikh Ahmed Abdel Salam Abi Muzairik. Which we deal with this interpretation from one of its aspects. Accordingly, my participation came calling for the title: (Abu Muzairik’s Approach in Explanation of Verses of Rulings “Family Rulings as a Model”) to answer the question: Does he have a methodology that differs in his interpretation of the verses of rulings and family rulings from the rest of the interpretation.

In this modest research paper, I will limit myself to highlighting the most important features of his approach through interpretation.

The most important findings of this study are as follows: -.

What distinguishes this interpretation is that its author - may God have mercy on him - linked it to contemporary reality - his approach to interpreting the verses of family rulings, mentioning the rulings in a general way and avoiding entering into the particulars and specifics of the rulings. But he was concerned with guidance and counseling, and the wisdom of legislation; Because he considers the rules of the family, the constitution of the home and the organization of the authorities in it, and the verses here lay the foundations of the family, so that it can be stable, proven, grow, its development lasts and the fruitful fruit will be produced, because it tends to explain the policy of partnership in the family between men and women, to raise the level of human feelings in the family from the lowest level to the highest level. Humanity. And this was the distinction, because it was concerned with deriving benefits from family rulings, wisdom and legislative wisdom, and linking them to the lives of Muslims. keen to draw lessons from the Qur'an; To be a reason for the advancement of the nation.

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education and sychological science