دور القيادة المدرسية الليبية المعاصرة في تقديم نموذج تربوي ناجح

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The importance of school leadership, which is characterized by strength and wisdom, has emerged through its characteristics and specifications that distinguish it from other jobs. These specifications and characteristics contribute to moving the educational institution towards a state of success, excellence and progress, as it adds competitive value to it. Successful administrative leadership helps the organization achieve the secret of its existence. To achieve its goals, maintain its survival, and ensure its growth and continuity.

The concept of leadership differs from administrative leadership. The first is derived from the individual’s personal traits and the skills he can develop, while the second is in fact derived from the official authority granted to the individual in the first place and then from the personal traits and qualities he possesses. In addition to the above, administrative leadership aims to influence individuals in an organization. Or an institution with specific features and activities. Based on the above, we discuss in this research the most important administrative opinions related to the concept of school leadership and its definition.

Administrative leadership: It is a set of actions and behaviours practiced by a specific individual called the leader. These patterns of behaviour are the result of the interaction between the characteristics of the leader and the characteristics of his followers, in addition to the characteristics of the organization and its culture. It aims to motivate individuals and push them to work towards achieving goals. Entrusted with the work of the group with high effectiveness and efficiency, while providing a degree of job satisfaction among the working individuals.

The school administration works on setting plans and timetables and allocating human and material resources to achieve the goals, while the leadership develops a future strategy for change with the aim of reaching the desired vision

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education and sychological science