المدح والذم في السيرة النبوية دراسة نحوية في صحيح مسلم

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عائشة الأمين محمـد عمر سليمان


Sahih Muslim is one of the six books of the Noble Prophet’s Hadith. The study of praise and blame is one of the important topics mentioned in Sahih Muslim. This research presented some hadiths that talk about praise and blame for individuals, deeds, and attributes. It includes some methods of praise for the Companions, scholars, and people. Prominent figures in Islamic history, highlighting their actions and good qualities, and reminding Muslims of the importance of following them.

It is also possible to draw some lessons and benefits from these hadiths and strive to follow his Sunnah - may God bless him and grant him peace - and through condemning the participants and hypocrites, we realize the importance of integrity and staying away from bad behavior.

All of this is through studying the style of praise and the style of condemnation, their composition, and analyzing the elements that make them up and applying them to some hadiths. The beginning was with the verb of praise or blame, then the subject of the action of praise or blame and its circumstances, then studying the specifics of praise or blame and presenting some examples from the sayings of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace. And peace be upon them - or the sayings of the Companions, may God be pleased with them. Then the research concluded with some results

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education and sychological science