Political transformations in Libya and their impact on the fall of the political regime in 2011
Political transformations, reforms, political systemAbstract
Under the previous regime, Libya witnessed many political, economic and social reforms in order to maintain the stability of the existing regime, but these reforms did not stop the uprising that the country witnessed, as internal and external efforts combined in light of the scientific development in means of communication, to a wave of protests that took Many problems ended in the overthrow of the political system. From this standpoint, the study attempts to find out to what extent the political, economic and social reforms that the political regime in Libya was seeking to achieve contributed to maintaining the regime? To answer the questions of the study and achieve its objectives, we relied in this research on two basic methodologies: the historical approach to track the changes of the phenomenon under study within its time frame. In this study, we also relied on the descriptive and analytical approach to describe the phenomenon and collect data and facts to draw conclusions.
This study came to illustrate the importance of political, economic and social changes to the political system in Libya, and the extent of the impact of reform processes on the political transformations that coincided with regional and international intervention, which contributed strongly to the overthrow of the political system in Libya. It reached several results, the most important of which are: the success of the movement in political demands. The research also concluded that the political, social and economic institutions were unable to accommodate the demands. It also proved that economic and social reforms are meaningless without political reforms, and the futility of the security solution in addressing the problems of public policy and popular demands.