The relationship of procedural fairness to job burnout An applied study on nursing staff members at Al-Jameel General Hospital


  • المختار المبروك محمد المجدوبي قسم الإدارة – كلية الاقتصاد العجيلات - جامعة الزاوية


This study aimed to identify the level of job burnout among members of the nursing staff at Al-Jameel General Hospital, determine the relative importance of the fairness of procedures and the extent of its relationship to job burnout, and work to develop proposals capable of improving working conditions, which reduces the percentage of feelings of job burnout. The study was applied to a sample of (180) variable nursing staff on job burnout were positive, and the study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which is creating a fair system for implementing rules and laws in a way that is compatible with the effort expended, and increasing interest in establishing foundations for procedural justice, and adherence to them by those working at Al-Jameel General Hospital, and (142) were recovered. ) Questionnaire, and the study concluded that there is a statistically significant correlation between the fairness of procedures and job burnout in all its dimensions. The results also showed that the attitudes of the study sample members towards managers, and the preparation of training programs to identify the phenomenon of job burnout, and to identify its negative effects with the possibility of confronting it effectively                                                                             



How to Cite

المجدوبي ا. ا. م. (2024). The relationship of procedural fairness to job burnout An applied study on nursing staff members at Al-Jameel General Hospital. University of Zawia Journal of Economic Sciences, 1(8). Retrieved from