Support policy between application and cancellation


  • Sulayman Ramadhan alkeelani


government support, concepts, objectives and importance of support, cancellation of support.


The study aimed to shed light on the most important aspects related to government support policy and to identify the reasons for governments implementing this policy despite the resulting economic problems. The study concluded that support cannot be canceled despite the negatives associated with it, as the size of the economic, social and political goals assigned to it is greater. One of the negatives associated with it is that the use of this policy is not limited to developing countries only, and that the need to maintain it remains more urgent than to cancel it, with the need to rationalize it in a way that ensures that it reaches those who deserve it, and that dispensing with or reducing support cannot be done except by reforming productive structures and creating job opportunities. Real and increased production. The descriptive method and the inductive method were used to achieve the research objectives



How to Cite

alkeelani, S. R. (2024). Support policy between application and cancellation . University of Zawia Journal of Economic Sciences, 6(1). Retrieved from