Smart Speaking Glove with One Hand for Deaf and Dumb

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Najeb Elgeme
Rasheed Almariami
Zakaria Rezgallah


The sign language is an effective means of communication between the deaf and dumb communities and the general public, but it requires human translators. This paper describes the development of a smart speaking glove with one-hand deaf and Dumb individuals using Arabic sign language. The glove bridges the communication gap between those with hearing and speech problems and those who don't understand sign language. It accurately converts sign language motions into audio and text, enhancing dignity, independence, and social inclusion. The glove, made of flexible sensors and a six-dimensional motion tracking device, allows deaf individuals to communicate with regular people via a smartphone, reducing the gap between them. It has focused on six major scenarios based on sentences and words of foodstuff and welcome signs. In cooperation with the Zawia Center for the Deaf and Dumb, every scenario was evaluated. The glove performed well when tested for side bending, resistance, voltage, and angle.

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How to Cite
Elgeme, N., Almariami, R., & Rezgallah, Z. (2024). Smart Speaking Glove with One Hand for Deaf and Dumb. University of Zawia Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technology, 2(1), 31–42.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering