Modern Front-end Web Architecture Using React.Js and Next.Js

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Hamed Ben kora
Mohamed Manita


The Today, web development uses a variety of web frameworks and libraries. Web developers often work on both sides of an application. Since the backend and frontend are two independent elements, frontend web development can focus only on things related to the frontend, such as Display and animate on the UI without considering the backend. A commonly used technology for web front ends is the React.js library and Next.js framework which used as the technology for building front-end applications for University Of Zawiya (UZ)'s website and control panel applications. The purpose of this study is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of React.js library and Next.js framework as one of the technologies used to develop UZ web applications. The results of this study outline the steps a developer takes when building his UZ application front end. Additionally, this study presents the advantages and disadvantages of React.js and Next.js as the primary technologies for building user interfaces for UZ applications.

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How to Cite
Ben kora, H., & Manita, M. (2024). Modern Front-end Web Architecture Using React.Js and Next.Js. University of Zawia Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technology, 2(1), 1–13.
Information Technology