الضعف القرائي والكتابي لدى طلاب المرحلة الجامعية (الأسباب – الحلول)

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أحلام الطاهر القانقا


This research sheds light on two basic skills, which are reading and writing, and the reason for focusing on them is that most of the weakness among students is in them, if their language is good.

It aims to identify the causes of reading and writing weakness and find out the solutions and ways to address them. It also relied on the descriptive and analytical approach in collecting information and data.

It reached several results, including:

  1. Reading is the basis of science, knowledge and culture.

  2. Knowledge of spelling, linguistic and grammatical rules is essential for university students.

  3. Training courses play a major role in addressing reading and writing weakness

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education and sychological science