تحليل التغير في درجات الحرارة بمنطقة الجفرة

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عبدالكريم خليفة القبلاوي


This research aims to try to trace the path of continuous change in all temperatures in the Al-Jufra region on the basis of the temperature observed in all other climates. Using full time analysis between 2010 and 2019 AD, the research concluded that the Al-Jufra region, although it is...Desert area, females, average monthly temperature, neither too hot nor too cold, which takes it beyond the level of inconvenience, as it was recorded in the period from 2010 to 2013 AD, with unobtrusive temperatures even in the summer, as it did not exceed the thirties in general. While the average temperature curve rose to the forties during the period from 2014 to 2018 AD (47°C in 2016), this is an indication that the curve is heading upward, which warns of danger. Since 2019, this average has decreased to around 35 mº, but the question remains: Will this decline continue, or is it nothing more than a case of climate fluctuation that may occur often?

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education and sychological science