The problem of the conflict between philosophy and religion
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This study focuses on the conflict existing between religion and philosophy, this conflict that was sparked by ancient clerics such as (Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali), who criticized the philosophers and criticized the inconsistency of their sayings. Ibn Rushd quickly responded to it with the incoherence of incoherence, focusing on the issue of reconciliation between Sharia law and wisdom. The attack on philosophy and the accusation that it calls into question belief and that it leads to atheism has disappeared
Today, although the conflict between religion - whether Christian or Islamic - and philosophy, is not a conflict between transmission and reason, but rather a conflict between the vision and interpretations of the clergy and the philosophers, when the clergy found that the philosophers would expose their deception and liberate man from the shackles of illusion.
Therefore, the aim of the study is to refute the issue of skepticism in philosophy, and to prove that it is compatible with faith. Through this, it reached several results, the most important of which are: that lack of understanding of the term led to
The violent attack on philosophy, in that the word philosophy is a foreign word to the Islamic environment and confusing the Islamic mind, and naturally everything new and alien is rejected. However, if we replace the word philosophy with the word parallel to it, which is wisdom, then all the problems related to religion and wisdom will disappear, and this is what is stated in the Holy Qur’an. (And teach them the Book and wisdom), so wisdom is the foundation of Islam, and a Muslim is not a Muslim unless he is wise and balanced in his words and actions.