The Spiritual Life of the Companions: Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib as Models
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The philosophy of the spiritual life of the Companions, May God be pleased with them, is based on asceticism in this world and adherence to the Qur’an and the noble Sunnah of the Prophet, as their lives were represented by good treatment with others and the upright moral behavior that prevailed in Islamic society.Therefore, their application of divine commands and their imitation of the Sunnah of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, made them walk.According to a balanced life philosophy that contributed to creating positive treatment with the poor, it made them feel satisfied in their lives It instilled a moral behavior and philosophy that focused on staying away from material phenomena, being satisfied with a few worldly pleasures, and applying the Islamic approach in moderation.
This research aims to point out the philosophy of spiritual life among some of the Companions, and the divine behavior that characterized it.We have concluded that the philosophy of spiritual life among the Companions was characterized by the unity of approach and behavior, as they made this world their last concern, and that their philosophy was moderate, represented by the politeness of the Companions and following the morals of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, because it is the path that leads the egoist to the highest life.