Chief Editor

Dr. Hussain Alarabi

  • Professor, Chemistry, University of Zawia، Libya

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Esmail Omar Elakesh

  • Associate Professor, Chemistry, University of Zawia، Libya
  • Chemistry section editor

Dr. Mohamed Omer Albasha

  • Professor, Biology, University of Zawia، Libya
  • Botany and Geology sections editor

Dr. Mohsan Salah Eldakli

  • Assistant Professor, Physics, University of Zawia، Libya
  • Physics and Statistics sections editor

Dr. Fikry Ali Abushofa

  • Professor, Histology (zoology depo.) , University of Zawia, Libya
  • Zoology and Computer science  sections editor

Dr. Fathi Ali M Bribesh

  • Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Zawia, Libya
  • Mathematics section editor