Using Path Analysis to Predict Wheat Plant Loss (Triticum aestivum L.) Knowing the Density of the Weed (Bromus Rigidus)

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Fathi A Alboueishii
Abdalhalim M Suaiee


The research explores the use of path analysis to predict the effect of brome grass (Bromus rigidus Roth) density on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield loss. It also studies the relationship between weed density and wheat productivity. The research was conducted during the fall 2020 and spring 2021 seasons. Data were collected from experiments conducted under different densities of weeds and wheat. The statistical analysis program SPSS was used to determine the effect of competition on the amount of loss in wheat and brome productivity, using the Cousins (1985) equation and to calculate the competition coefficient between species using the Steward (1969) equation. Then, path analysis was used to predict the effect of internal and external variables on plant traits, biomass, and productivity. The results showed that increasing grass density led to a decrease in wheat productivity. The study emphasizes the importance of taking physiological factors into account in crop productivity. Recommendations include implementing measures to control weed density, adjusting wheat planting density to compete effectively with weeds, using weed-resistant wheat varieties, adopting comprehensive farm management practices, and conducting further research to enhance understanding of the interaction between wheat and weeds.

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How to Cite
Alboueishii, F. A., & Suaiee, A. M. (2024). Using Path Analysis to Predict Wheat Plant Loss (Triticum aestivum L.) Knowing the Density of the Weed (Bromus Rigidus). University of Zawia Journal of Natural Sciences, 1(1), 12–19.


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